I'm Toni Demuro an Italian illustrator based in Sassari Italy.

My illustrations appear on advertising campaigns, magazines and books.

I'm happy to have worked with:

Penguin Books / The New York Times / The Boston Globe / The Washington Post / National Geographic / EXPO 2020 / L'Expresse / La Croix L'Hebdo / Atlanta Magazine / Let’sGo Magazine / Rádio Londres Editora / New Era Magazine / Sarbacane / Éditions Héloïse d’Ormesson / Éditions Cipango /Éditions La Palissade / Éditions Un chat la nuit / Éditions d’Orbestier / Atlas contact / Éditions Hispaniques.

Iperborea / Corriere della Sera / Il sole 24 ore / Einaudi Ragazzi / Mondadori / Sellerio / Salani / Vanity Fair Italia / ELI / TukMusic / Banca di Sassari / Fondazione Alghero / L'isola delle storie / Festival Musica sulle Bocche / CadaContu / Jazz Alguer / R.A.M. / CDCNPA / Ecotyre / La Nuova Sardegna / Legambiente